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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
768 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Forced disconnect 08/13/2009 03:53 AM
1500 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Fonts settings get lost after upgrading from 0.12.5 to 0.13-rc2 10/19/2018 05:30 AM
1274 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal First-time PM doesn't notify 03/23/2020 12:03 PM
1718 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal feature 08/01/2022 06:16 AM
1426 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Failure to connect on startup 03/25/2021 01:29 PM
674 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal Faded Nicknames are not Subpixel Rendered 09/09/2017 08:17 AM
672 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Extended popups for special users 04/12/2009 10:40 AM
1549 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Export/Import to Cloud 03/16/2023 05:43 AM
817 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback Normal Export ignore list 12/23/2013 10:23 PM
1414 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Expand URI clickability 11/14/2022 07:27 AM
1207 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal Exit from tray doesn't save windows state 12/23/2013 08:32 PM
1501 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Existing users cannot be authenticated against LDAP when database is converted 08/03/2021 06:51 AM
1821 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Errors in a schema upgrade script that contains multiple SQL statements are not detected 12/16/2024 11:43 AM
1406 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Errors connecting to SSL IRC server 11/08/2022 06:59 AM
1125 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Enhanced topic widget 12/10/2011 10:04 PM
211 Quassel IRC Feature New High enable/disable backlog per buffer 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
548 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Enable chat monitor not in Chat Monitor settings 06/12/2016 04:24 PM
1579 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Empty sent message history should be prefilled based on displayed sent messages 10/08/2020 07:44 AM
610 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Easy way to turn a flow of /msg into a /query 10/20/2020 08:55 AM
1068 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Drop privileges if root. 03/22/2011 07:20 AM
1374 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal don't keep default focus on text input field 08/11/2015 01:04 PM
515 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Don't include current channel in chat monitor 02/04/2009 08:18 PM
963 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Don't display mode changes during netsplits 05/15/2010 03:10 AM
1807 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Dock Icon changes on macOS after launching quassel 02/11/2025 05:33 AM
973 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal do not repeat same timestamp 05/25/2010 10:17 AM
870 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Do not repeat nicknames for successive messasges by same sender 12/03/2009 11:21 AM
1443 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Do not lose messages when disk ran out of space 09/08/2017 10:48 PM
1395 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Disconnect from core while Search bar is active, don't close search bar 01/27/2016 02:25 PM
478 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Different charsets for different channels/queries 05/31/2021 10:10 AM
1578 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed High Desktop Folder Deleted When Uninstall 01/17/2022 09:03 AM
1344 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Delays 01/31/2018 04:42 AM
1035 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Day changed notification appears too early 11/03/2010 12:07 AM
1396 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Dataflow documentation for new contributor spin-up 02/01/2016 07:35 PM
1515 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Database shema mismatch is not detected and remedied 11/23/2020 10:41 AM
1820 Quassel IRC Bug New High Database schema upgrade may fail, leaving the database in a non working state (wrap the entire upgrade in a transaction and do away with the multi-step upgrade) 09/21/2023 08:43 AM
1604 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom Sounds for Custom highlights 08/27/2021 02:23 PM
1126 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom network/channel/pm arrangment in the chatlist 10/06/2018 07:38 PM
1261 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom Emoticons 01/01/2014 08:01 PM
978 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom chat list sort by contacts status 05/28/2010 04:03 PM
1382 Quassel IRC Feature New Low CTCP-S support 09/27/2015 12:21 AM
532 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal CTCP VERSION reply should be configurable 02/09/2009 10:02 PM
1342 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal CTCP option 04/10/2015 06:22 PM
1393 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crashing after hovering over link for a long time and then clicking on it 02/21/2018 12:47 PM
1813 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash: quassel-client: MessageModel::changeOfDay(): quasselclient killed by SIGSEGV 12/19/2024 11:40 AM
1719 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash with message (input) history and color codes 12/17/2024 11:21 AM
1094 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash while away from the computer 09/06/2011 02:35 PM
1422 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash when using colors Lurker69 03/06/2024 02:46 AM
663 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Normal Crash when disabling uniform row heights for BufferView Sputnick 02/17/2015 12:15 PM
1119 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash when /join 11/21/2011 03:01 PM
1250 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash on resume Sputnick 12/21/2022 02:36 AM
1303 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash on launch - Quassel Monolithic OSX Client 08/01/2014 01:23 AM
1077 Quassel IRC Bug New High Crash just after switching windows away quassel 05/16/2011 02:15 PM
1158 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash after entering core password 04/28/2012 09:19 PM
1319 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash 01/10/2023 04:35 AM
1117 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal CPU Usage 01/21/2012 08:53 PM
1380 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core should encrypt the storage 08/29/2015 02:00 PM
814 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core sets away state on auto-reconnect with connected client(s) if auto-away is enabled 10/11/2009 09:14 AM
1111 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core doesn't allow client to synchronize 11/22/2011 02:41 PM
1404 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core crashes with error about locked database when creating a new network 07/25/2016 10:18 AM
1368 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core crashes on Windows when connecting to server 07/22/2015 03:22 AM
999 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core crash on network removal 09/13/2010 05:20 AM
1120 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal core crash 11/28/2011 08:56 AM
1178 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core crash 07/12/2012 09:34 PM
1051 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core becomes unresponsive, possibly because of database being locked 08/26/2016 03:41 PM
77 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Core administration, Core user admin, ACL support phon 08/11/2010 10:34 PM
1079 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Consider supporting unix socket as a transport between core and client 05/26/2011 11:51 PM
980 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal connection attempt during core start caused deadlock 05/30/2010 03:49 PM
1531 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal confusing and incorrect translations by translation memory 06/16/2021 10:04 PM
56 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback High compositing/transparency 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
1413 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Commands for Away and Returning 06/29/2016 06:15 PM
1040 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Commandline option for outgoing interface 03/19/2016 02:42 PM
868 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Combined part/hide command (or autohide parted) 12/03/2009 09:43 AM
867 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Coloring brackets around sender nick seperately through stylesheet 12/03/2009 09:36 AM
1085 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Collapsible groups in the channel list 08/04/2011 12:05 AM
1401 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal CMake HAVE_SSL test failing due to missing -fPIC 11/02/2022 07:07 AM
1858 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Client: show and allow toggling of channel auto join 10/15/2024 08:11 AM
900 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Client specific ignore settings 01/22/2010 11:00 AM
1206 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Client freezes with 100%cpu 03/06/2013 09:17 PM
1216 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal Client freezes when sending large amounts of text on one line 04/21/2013 09:57 PM
1264 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Client displays incorrect identity in chat on non-standard IRC implementation 02/25/2014 04:17 AM
1307 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Client crash switching to buffer after network disconnect 08/30/2014 03:32 PM
1156 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Client crash in WebCore::QNetworkReplyWrapper::resetConnections 04/18/2012 11:38 PM
1384 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Clickable links ignore some valid URI characters. 10/01/2015 10:21 PM
1202 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal ChromeOS Client 03/17/2013 12:29 PM
785 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Chat view doesn't handle focus decoration properly 08/28/2009 04:35 AM
1457 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Chat view does not exclude read messages 01/10/2018 10:01 PM
1263 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Chat monitor ignores its ignore settings 02/23/2014 11:35 PM
1458 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Chat monitor does not have an option to only show messages from hidden chats 05/20/2021 03:10 PM
1451 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal chat lists - sort by activity 02/04/2021 06:22 AM
1452 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal chat lists - separate add & remove criteria 05/07/2021 12:08 PM
982 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal chat list focussing wrong element 10/25/2017 09:35 AM
1038 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Changing the quasselclient icon on mac os x does not work EgS 03/22/2011 12:01 AM
965 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Changing nicks causes an alphabetically sorted buffer list to become disorganized 05/16/2010 11:46 AM
822 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal changing hidden events on multiple channels loses information 10/08/2009 10:48 PM
1587 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Changing an existing identity SSL key and certificate hangs on "Syncing data with core, please wait..." 05/23/2023 08:36 AM
644 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Change the colour of lines of text in the chat monitor if they originated from the currently selected channel 02/29/2012 05:12 PM
1154 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Change mask of bans 04/18/2012 02:48 PM
1566 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Change chat history nick style for users who have gone? 03/09/2023 05:02 AM
1585 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal CertFP to authenticate between client and core 02/11/2025 09:48 AM
1017 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Certain special characters cause Quassel to crash 08/25/2010 09:50 PM
(401-500/617) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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