Feature #478
Different charsets for different channels/queries
It would be nice if the fallback charset and "send messages in" charset could be set up per buffer.
For example, on #debian-russian the charset is KOI8-R, although everywhere else on freenode its UTF-8.
(This also could be a bug report in the mental institution, where the guys from Debian-russian belong, but that's another question).
#1 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
This is already possible in-code (i.e., Quassel's encoding mechanisms already support per-channel and even per-nick encodings), but we lack a config UI for this. We'd need a way to specify this (and possibly other) per-buffer setting(s) without confusing users too much.
#2 Updated by salyavin almost 16 years ago
I just thought I would mention I need per channel encoding as well.
#3 Updated by Erus_Iluvatar almost 4 years ago
Sorry if this is like a "necrobump", but I've discovered this IRC client recently.
I was looking into setting encoding per channel (using a french server which uses UTF-8 on the main channels, but ISO-8859-15 on some others), but it looks like this feature request never got much traction.
If the only blocker is the UI, maybe it could be "hidden" behind a command like the channel list is behind /list ?