Bug #1807
Dock Icon changes on macOS after launching quassel
When Quassel Client is added to the dock it has a nice icon that matches the existing Monterey system icon style. After launching quassel the icon changes to look more like the windows version, which doesn't look as nice on macOS
#1 Updated by cptn-cosmo almost 3 years ago
- File Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 00.45.11.png Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 00.45.11.png added
- File Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 00.45.05.png Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 00.45.05.png added
I added screenshots of the behaviour. I think the "not launched" icon should be used in both cases.
#2 Updated by Edward357Johnson 14 days ago
It seems like you're experiencing an issue with the Quassel Client icon on macOS. When added to the dock, it initially matches the Monterey system icon style, but after launching, it changes to a less aesthetically pleasing version, similar to the Windows icon. This might be a known issue, and you can check the Quassel IRC Issue Tracker or GitHub for any updates or potential fixes. https://www.my-oneonta.com