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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1674 Quassel IRC Bug New Immediate Cannot join channels with non-ASCII names on ISO-2022-JP-encoded servers 04/27/2022 06:15 AM
640 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Immediate iso-2022-jp encoding not honored anywhere at all. 06/20/2014 03:56 AM
1332 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent Quassel crash on saving new server 08/27/2017 04:33 AM
1340 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent Quasselcore crashes when connecting 07/24/2015 01:11 PM
1354 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent Immediate crash on windows with v0.12.2 09/06/2015 10:59 PM
1857 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent The DH1080 protocol is missing the encryption type in the response 10/09/2024 12:36 PM
1245 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Urgent Some senders are ignored due to PostgreSQL constraint errors 08/18/2023 04:47 AM
1541 Quassel IRC Feature New Urgent User configuration of API token used on 09/21/2024 08:25 AM
1853 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Urgent RAMPANT SPAM IN THIS ISSUE TRACKER Sputnick 09/18/2024 04:31 AM
999 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core crash on network removal 09/13/2010 05:20 AM
1051 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core becomes unresponsive, possibly because of database being locked 08/26/2016 03:41 PM
1077 Quassel IRC Bug New High Crash just after switching windows away quassel 05/16/2011 02:15 PM
1108 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel 0.7.3 client crashes after disconnection from core 02/19/2012 06:01 PM
1285 Quassel IRC Bug New High [Qt5] When changing the font, line wrapping is not recalculated 05/18/2014 01:54 PM
1297 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel Client 0.10 - OSX-10.9.5 - Hard crash randomly. 07/27/2014 12:23 PM
1308 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel 0.10 does not contain crypto plugins folder. Fails to auth with /setkey 06/17/2021 02:41 AM
1320 Quassel IRC Bug New High quassel client lost config after systemctl reboot 02/08/2015 06:04 AM
1315 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel 0.11 in Arch Linux Loses Connection with Quassel Core 01/25/2015 03:22 PM
1322 Quassel IRC Bug New High Postgres prepared statement does not exist. 06/12/2022 01:14 PM
1368 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core crashes on Windows when connecting to server 07/22/2015 03:22 AM
1381 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel Client on OSX 10.11 will not connect to remote core 09/10/2015 08:29 PM
1397 Quassel IRC Bug New High SSL Cert+Key not reloaded on systemd "reload" action 09/08/2016 05:40 AM
1434 Quassel IRC Bug New High Mac monolithic client crash when trying to add certtificate 03/29/2017 11:11 PM
1508 Quassel IRC Bug New High quasselcore crashes after a few minutes in libpcre2 02/03/2020 05:38 AM
1513 Quassel IRC Bug New High show error if run out of disk space 09/15/2020 07:22 AM
1523 Quassel IRC Bug New High Some joined channels are not shown until the client is restarted. 05/12/2021 04:01 PM
1528 Quassel IRC Bug New High Start Menu item does not show up 06/17/2021 06:22 AM
1565 Quassel IRC Bug New High --select-backend ignores asked PostgreSQL port 06/28/2023 02:26 PM
1610 Quassel IRC Bug New High Spell check missing on Mac OS X Client 10/01/2023 11:39 PM
1758 Quassel IRC Bug New High quasselcore attempts to connect to multiple times in a row causing temporary ban 09/23/2024 04:43 AM
1823 Quassel IRC Bug New High Potential bug: Database corrupted by latest build? 12/14/2024 09:11 AM
1820 Quassel IRC Bug New High Database schema upgrade may fail, leaving the database in a non working state (wrap the entire upgrade in a transaction and do away with the multi-step upgrade) 09/21/2023 08:43 AM
1116 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback High Hiding main toolbar on OSX not persistent 02/03/2014 06:28 AM
1524 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback High All Chats window cannot be docked back on Windows 10/02/2023 05:54 AM
1578 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed High Desktop Folder Deleted When Uninstall 01/17/2022 09:03 AM
1544 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed High Quassel does not compile with qt 5.14.0 12/10/2024 08:45 AM
81 Quassel IRC Feature New High Backlog adminstration 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
87 Quassel IRC Feature New High Option to filter multichannel botchat into a buffer 07/12/2023 04:39 PM
150 Quassel IRC Feature New High Use the output of command to decide which account to use on startup 01/08/2020 11:55 AM
181 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please provide contexual hilighting colours 06/25/2010 04:14 PM
184 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add time of last event as Buffer View activity criterion 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
196 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add the capability to save buffers into a file. 04/25/2021 01:13 PM
198 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please combine the 2 options for scrolling in the channel list 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
211 Quassel IRC Feature New High enable/disable backlog per buffer 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
215 Quassel IRC Feature New High Hide IDs on !-Channels 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
222 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add challenge auth for Quakenet 01/13/2009 12:30 PM
201 Quassel IRC Feature New High add a /commands command ;-) to return a list of all implemented commands 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
271 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please make a graphical unbanning dialogue 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
292 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please make double click on column handles resize the column to fit widest nick/channel 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
316 Quassel IRC Feature New High please include whitelist to control who is allowed to query 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
340 Quassel IRC Feature New High Idea: Colored custom highlights plus highlight tracker 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
373 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please add paste control with pastebin 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
356 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG ability 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
361 Quassel IRC Feature New High Requesting the ability to designate one or more of the nicks in an identity as "away nicks" 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
383 Quassel IRC Feature New High shortcut to mark all channels as read 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
384 Quassel IRC Feature New High topic bar should show the author of the topic 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
404 Quassel IRC Feature New High tab completion for commands 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
411 Quassel IRC Feature New High limit number of lines in buffer backlog 08/03/2023 11:30 AM
414 Quassel IRC Feature New High scale status-icons (away,online,offline) to font size 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
416 Quassel IRC Feature New High mouse wheel to zoom 08/17/2016 12:40 PM
420 Quassel IRC Feature New High please add filter function to search bar 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
421 Quassel IRC Feature New High Have a "On attach" and "On detach" perform list 03/07/2009 04:37 PM
423 Quassel IRC Feature New High Options for the location of the settings 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
424 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add visual feedback on activity in buffer view titles 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
429 Quassel IRC Feature New High Possibility to send email on highlight/query 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
753 Quassel IRC Feature New High Automatically clear old buffers on client 07/17/2020 01:13 PM
1113 Quassel IRC Feature New High Whois in active 03/22/2012 09:19 AM
1897 Quassel IRC Feature New High Port to QT6 12/05/2024 04:46 PM
64 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback High horizontal tabbed buffer view requested 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
171 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback High Add a /lastlog (irssi) feature 08/04/2010 10:18 PM
56 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback High compositing/transparency 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
258 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed High Please make backlog searchable from client 05/30/2015 01:37 PM
146 Quassel IRC Feature New High Networks in custom view only alphabet-sortable EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
22 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Implement DCC and CTCP. EgS 09/11/2019 08:34 PM
303 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add /unban and /banlist EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
285 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add functionalties from nick widget to chat widget Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
94 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Implement rejoin on kick Sputnick 08/03/2023 10:23 AM
635 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal again the locked DB issue 03/26/2009 10:00 PM
714 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel does not warn if SSL certificate changed on remote IRC server (not core) 06/28/2009 05:12 PM
738 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal identify on nickchange 01/20/2010 12:04 PM
747 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal [PATCH] Cleanup unused CoreSessions 05/30/2015 01:44 PM
751 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel uses excessive CPU/RAM 07/26/2009 08:19 AM
785 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Chat view doesn't handle focus decoration properly 08/28/2009 04:35 AM
814 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core sets away state on auto-reconnect with connected client(s) if auto-away is enabled 10/11/2009 09:14 AM
822 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal changing hidden events on multiple channels loses information 10/08/2009 10:48 PM
879 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Topic text color does not follow system/theme default 12/17/2009 11:44 AM
906 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel window position saving 01/28/2010 08:32 PM
916 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Users don't show up in nick list (psybnc) 02/18/2010 04:15 AM
932 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Timestamps missing 03/07/2010 03:20 PM
933 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Auto closing and rapport of bug create 03/09/2010 12:27 PM
938 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Handling of NAMES Command 03/15/2010 10:58 PM
939 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal After waking up from suspend, the Connect button is grey, even when Quassel is not connected 03/16/2010 10:28 AM
941 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Wrong mouse cursor shown in certain chatscenes 03/24/2011 04:13 PM
964 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Nick Select Doesn't Update on Forced Nick Change 08/05/2011 11:31 PM
965 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Changing nicks causes an alphabetically sorted buffer list to become disorganized 05/16/2010 11:46 AM
972 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Hostnames should be parsed through UiStyle::mircToInternal before displaying them 09/15/2010 06:17 PM
974 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal UI is incorrect when setting up backend fails on setup of core 02/01/2015 03:43 PM
976 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Strings quoted in "command messages" should be checked for open color/formatting tags 05/27/2010 01:56 AM
980 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal connection attempt during core start caused deadlock 05/30/2010 03:49 PM
981 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Modes being removed without user interaction 07/16/2018 05:51 AM
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