Bug #972
Hostnames should be parsed through UiStyle::mircToInternal before displaying them
It's probably not a good idea to modify the raw text given by the server as a given nick's hostname, but at least it should be parsed for mIRC colors/bold/whatever before being displayed on screen when someone parts or joins, otherwise bad things will happen. In particular, raw non-alphanumeric ASCII is dumped to the message window, which as a side effect causes my cursor to change to the "left-right resize" cursor when hovering over said window, oddly enough. See screenshot for an example (though I couldn't capture my cursor). I can't think of any ill effects passing the hostname through UiStyle::mircToInternal before displaying it might have, so that is the solution I would recommend, though of course my opinion hardly matters ;)
By the by, 0.6.1 should probably be added to the possible values for "Version" in the bugtracker, I think. I am using it, so I presume it has been released :)
#1 Updated by flamingspinach over 14 years ago
Still replicable in latest dev build (and thus in 0.7.0).