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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
784 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add notifications for events in the chat monitor 08/27/2009 11:47 PM
792 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Please add a flag to not auto-hide some channels 05/11/2014 01:33 AM
793 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal 'Chat Monitor' add whole network to list 09/11/2009 01:06 AM
808 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Option to hide joins/parts/quits of ignored users in chat view. 09/19/2009 02:52 AM
810 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Indicate which users are ignored in nick list 09/19/2009 11:06 PM
816 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Query blocker (with whitelist) 09/27/2009 10:22 PM
826 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal SQL backends cleanup 03/09/2010 08:01 PM
828 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Ability to add cookies to Preview Browser 10/14/2009 03:06 PM
836 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Forward highlights to external script / URL 05/02/2014 04:46 PM
851 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal View Filtery Feature 11/07/2009 06:24 AM
852 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal auto-replace feature 03/09/2010 07:56 PM
867 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Coloring brackets around sender nick seperately through stylesheet 12/03/2009 09:36 AM
868 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Combined part/hide command (or autohide parted) 12/03/2009 09:43 AM
869 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Gray out loaded backlog on starting client or rejoining channel 12/03/2009 11:11 AM
870 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Do not repeat nicknames for successive messasges by same sender 12/03/2009 11:21 AM
884 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal buffer context menu entry to add/remove it to/from the chat monitor 06/22/2014 02:34 PM
885 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Limit initial backlog fetching to specific list 12/22/2009 01:30 PM
886 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Option to colorcode the different days 12/28/2009 09:10 PM
892 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add bookmark/annotation feature 03/07/2010 10:14 PM
900 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Client specific ignore settings 01/22/2010 11:00 AM
909 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Provide --del-user argument 02/07/2010 01:40 PM
917 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal [PATCH] Individual dictionary/spellcheck based on Network 08/12/2013 06:11 PM
922 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal RFE: Add tab completion to Aliases 05/04/2018 08:39 AM
925 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Account Status Flag 03/02/2010 09:25 AM
928 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Adding and connecting to a new network doesn't show the status buffer 04/21/2011 06:41 PM
935 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal please add growl support on mac os x 03/11/2010 12:40 PM
937 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Ignore specific items 05/30/2015 01:45 PM
963 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Don't display mode changes during netsplits 05/15/2010 03:10 AM
969 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Merge lines 05/25/2010 09:48 AM
973 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal do not repeat same timestamp 05/25/2010 10:17 AM
975 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal topic reflects text color but not background 05/27/2010 04:35 AM
978 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom chat list sort by contacts status 05/28/2010 04:03 PM
979 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Ability to input text styles for aliases 05/28/2010 07:35 PM
988 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Jump to last ... 10/19/2020 06:37 AM
992 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Limit the buffer size on core server 06/15/2010 05:09 AM
995 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Trigger /myaway and /myback when you disconnect/connect client. 06/16/2010 04:45 AM
1003 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal implement marker in scrollbar for highlights/searches 03/01/2012 10:47 AM
1014 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal add a tooltip when hovering a nick name in the chat view 10/13/2010 10:27 AM
1015 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal show/hide the the inactive chats from the context menu 10/17/2010 09:20 AM
1016 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Bouncer support for core 05/02/2014 04:31 PM
1025 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow changing icon size in the chat and user list 09/22/2010 09:23 AM
1028 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal query sound 10/13/2010 06:47 PM
1037 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Please add 2 different types of joins 11/10/2010 12:14 PM
1040 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Commandline option for outgoing interface 03/19/2016 02:42 PM
1046 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal MySQL support 01/21/2012 09:59 PM
1054 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Ability to lock more GUI items 02/18/2011 06:46 AM
1082 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Live backup support 06/12/2011 12:31 PM
1083 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Archive search 06/12/2011 12:35 PM
1068 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Drop privileges if root. 03/22/2011 07:20 AM
1084 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal add an option to add a delay before auto joining a channel 01/18/2012 12:52 AM
1085 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Collapsible groups in the channel list 08/04/2011 12:05 AM
1121 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Track highlights (Away log) server-side 12/04/2011 01:21 PM
1123 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Notification system expansion: Multiple notification types. 03/22/2012 08:22 AM
1124 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Let notifications trigger when quassel is the active window 02/04/2012 04:22 PM
1125 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Enhanced topic widget 12/10/2011 10:04 PM
1126 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom network/channel/pm arrangment in the chatlist 10/06/2018 07:38 PM
1128 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Keyboard shortcuts for formatting 12/18/2015 01:24 AM
1129 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Improved support for /list 12/11/2011 02:11 AM
1147 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Shift + click on channel to leave it 03/22/2012 09:30 AM
1150 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Auto-generate sender colors sandsmark 05/05/2020 06:27 PM
1154 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Change mask of bans 04/18/2012 02:48 PM
1165 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Lock/toggle message color 01/23/2013 03:33 PM
1174 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow multiple windows 07/11/2012 10:45 PM
1196 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support pasting of image data using image service 11/23/2012 09:18 PM
1202 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal ChromeOS Client 03/17/2013 12:29 PM
1203 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Save IP of people who queried but shared no channels 06/14/2021 05:25 AM
1195 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Multiple chat panes 11/23/2012 12:06 PM
1221 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow arbitrary buffer shortcuts FishFace 09/08/2013 04:21 PM
1223 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Onlines users have offline icon and font color when not in a common channel 10/04/2013 08:01 PM
1238 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add websocket interface 08/30/2013 07:43 PM
1252 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal separate log and backlog tables 08/03/2023 09:26 AM
1261 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Custom Emoticons 01/01/2014 08:01 PM
1241 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Unread items being cleared by second, inactive client. 09/30/2013 08:39 AM
1265 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Manage connected clients 03/06/2014 07:09 AM
1256 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Make it possible to search IRC nicks via real names 12/09/2013 04:43 PM
1272 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Reverse Tab Completion 03/29/2014 09:42 PM
1280 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Push PMs and highlighted items to your phone as SMS 05/02/2014 04:21 PM
1281 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Bot client flag on Quassel protocol 05/26/2014 02:28 PM
1286 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Highlight Channel 05/19/2014 03:36 PM
1287 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Whitelist/blacklist for "hot chat" shortcut pitastrudl 10/25/2014 10:10 PM
1294 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Make webm video preview occupy all the preview pane 06/26/2014 11:56 PM
1296 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Make messages in queries more visible 07/05/2014 07:02 PM
1298 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Visible Real Names in the nicklist 06/14/2021 05:50 AM
1299 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Separate colors for custom highlights 07/24/2014 10:54 PM
1304 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Autoghost feature 08/07/2014 09:15 AM
1306 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support auto update 10/07/2014 05:12 PM
1329 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add support for CAP Server-Time 08/03/2023 05:38 AM
1335 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support verification of x.509 using TLSA records 11/03/2015 11:53 PM
1341 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Implement /clear to wipe the current buffer 11/18/2022 07:13 AM
1342 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal CTCP option 04/10/2015 06:22 PM
1343 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Auto-replies 04/10/2015 06:28 PM
1328 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Room notifications 12/31/2014 05:22 PM
1337 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support for using two cores at once 02/27/2016 01:02 AM
1338 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Store client settings in core 04/19/2015 12:50 AM
1344 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Delays 01/31/2018 04:42 AM
1348 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Highlight Notification- Disable (Silent) all/per channel/per highlighted word 04/29/2015 08:28 PM
1360 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Quassel should show unread messages count next to the channel or buffer name 06/03/2015 07:31 AM
1391 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Tab-delimited logs 01/08/2016 02:04 AM
1396 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Dataflow documentation for new contributor spin-up 02/01/2016 07:35 PM
1398 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow to store the logs in plain text files 02/05/2016 01:15 PM
(401-500/617) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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