


Feature #851

View Filtery Feature

Added by kentnl over 15 years ago. Updated over 15 years ago.

Quassel Client
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This is a feature request based on a discussion that was had on IRC.

At present, its just a concept draft really, some ad-hoc thrown together Ideas I've been brewing over for the last few weeks.

In KVirc, there is a handy option that allows you to side-stream all the noise into a separate panel, and its sort of like the chat monitor in a way.

The idea this gave me in combination with Quassel's behaviour resulted in a generalised behaviour that is like that, essentially permitting users to compose their own views from various streams of data.

The idea, is to permit users to create views ( perhaps multiple views in different tabs ) that can behave the way they choose.

Also, as part of the design, a UI enhancement is suggested to reduce the amount of work users have to do to toggle filtering of various things.

right click->tick one check box->repeat is very bad UI.
right click->open menu->opt-in/opt-out from channels is very bad UI.

For a starting example, I have attached an image exemplifying how one might toggle the source channels that may provide data for the current view in a simple to use way, with potential for sexy animation.

The ascribed behaviour I'll simply refer to as "tag-tree filtery", and ideally, something that works like I prescribe should be assembled and then shipped off to Qt as a tool.

It is somewhat inspired from mixes of things I've seen, and bears much resemblance to , which will give you a quick sample of how much more practical it is than the average search/filter system.

drawing.png (240 KB) drawing.png kentnl, 11/07/2009 05:41 AM
QS1.jpeg (162 KB) QS1.jpeg kentnl, 11/07/2009 06:24 AM


#1 Updated by kentnl over 15 years ago


  • The feature should present a series of tabbed panes to the Chat Monitor window, which can be on any side of that window. ( See red in attachment )
  • The feature should present a way to simply add new tabs
  • The feature should make it simple to move which side of the window the tabs are on, but not so simple that it can be changed accidentally
  • Individual tabs should be detachable and positioned so that 2 Chat Monitors ( or Filter Views ) can be seen simultaneously.
  • The tab capacity should be hidden by default, as it will confuse new users to quassel, who might then think they have to go in and create a view for every channel manually in the chat monitors, when this is obviously not the case. ( Its a dumb case, but never underestimate users )

Tag-Tree Filtery

  • There should be one or more tag-tree filtery devices.
  • Placement of one on the Chat Monitor Window ( inside the tabbable/detachable content area ) at least would be recommended. ( See blue area in attachment )
  • Placement of one on the individual Chats would also be beneficial. ( See magenta in attachment )
  • In the case of individual chats, state should be attached to the chat(buffer) itself
  • Individual Chat tag-tree filtery devices and FilterView tag-tree filtery devices have a different set of filters.


Here is a suggested Heirachy of filters that would be suitable for the Chat Monitor window.

Chat Monitor Suggested Filters

  • Channels
    • {Network-1}
    • {Network-2}
      • {Network-2-Chan-1}
      • {Network-2-Chan-2}
  • Type
    • Content
      • Channel Messages
        • All Messages
        • Highlights
      • Private Messages
    • Noise
      • User Noise
        • Actions
          • Part
          • Quit
          • Join
        • Changes
          • Nick Changes
      • Channel Noise
        • Topic
        • Mode
      • Server Noise
        • Global
        • Connect
      • Errors
  • Custom

Chat Window( Buffer ) Suggested Filters

Would be essentially the same as ChatMonitor filters except no Channel based filtering options present.

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