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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1450 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Window not marked as unread if Marker Line is moved 01/05/2018 05:04 AM
1453 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Improve chat list & handling of query windows 01/05/2018 05:02 AM
1447 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal reconnect spam while windows 10 is hibernating (desktop PC) 12/06/2017 09:51 AM
982 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal chat list focussing wrong element 10/25/2017 09:35 AM
1444 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Ability to add/remove monitored channels by right-clicking on them and selecting an option 09/11/2017 01:19 AM
674 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal Faded Nicknames are not Subpixel Rendered 09/09/2017 08:17 AM
1443 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Do not lose messages when disk ran out of space 09/08/2017 10:48 PM
1332 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent Quassel crash on saving new server 08/27/2017 04:33 AM
1435 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel client segfaults on every attempt to display a buffer with a carriage return in the topic 07/21/2017 02:41 PM
286 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Add spell checking support 06/18/2017 12:35 AM
1440 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Have an option to block mass highlight spam 06/13/2017 02:08 AM
1439 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel join channels when single-clicking the name in the bufferview 06/12/2017 08:19 PM
1437 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel chat monitor does not scroll to the highlight location 05/29/2017 03:17 AM
1394 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Sort alphabetically is not reapplied after new /join 04/03/2017 09:33 AM
1434 Quassel IRC Bug New High Mac monolithic client crash when trying to add certtificate 03/29/2017 11:11 PM
1427 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Cannot connect after 0.10 -> 0.12.4 upgrade 03/28/2017 05:46 AM
1433 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow hiding join/mode-change/nick-change/quit/part messages of users who haven't talked in a while 03/24/2017 05:13 PM
1430 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Setting for main chat window line text height 03/02/2017 08:04 PM
1428 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Broken notifications when Quassel minimized on KDE 02/08/2017 12:53 AM
1423 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel swallows /NAMES 10/22/2016 08:05 AM
855 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal When restarting Quassel with second default screen disconnected, the main UI is hidden and can't be restored EgS 09/17/2016 08:57 PM
1419 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal /part is reverted when quassel restarts 09/16/2016 12:27 PM
1397 Quassel IRC Bug New High SSL Cert+Key not reloaded on systemd "reload" action 09/08/2016 05:40 AM
1051 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core becomes unresponsive, possibly because of database being locked 08/26/2016 03:41 PM
416 Quassel IRC Feature New High mouse wheel to zoom 08/17/2016 12:40 PM
1404 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core crashes with error about locked database when creating a new network 07/25/2016 10:18 AM
1415 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal quassel client crashes when connecting to a core 07/15/2016 12:04 AM
1413 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Commands for Away and Returning 06/29/2016 06:15 PM
656 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Low Multiple actions like op, deop, etc. won't group by using the context menue. 06/12/2016 04:26 PM
548 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Enable chat monitor not in Chat Monitor settings 06/12/2016 04:24 PM
228 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback Normal Increase the preview buffer size in the settings of the Network window buffervieweditdlg.ui EgS 06/12/2016 04:23 PM
191 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Provide methods to bulk-add/remove bufferIds in BufferViewConfig 06/12/2016 04:23 PM
1385 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal auto-reconnect not working 06/12/2016 10:59 AM
1248 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Reconnecting to irc network clears blowfish encryption keys 06/01/2016 10:07 PM
1410 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Wrong part of chat list is hidden on disconnect 05/30/2016 03:18 PM
1402 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal The text field loses focus when I hit tab to complete a nickname 04/02/2016 07:08 PM
1309 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Slow initial synchronization on a core with very long logs, plus connection loss 04/02/2016 07:04 PM
1040 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Commandline option for outgoing interface 03/19/2016 02:42 PM
1337 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support for using two cores at once 02/27/2016 01:02 AM
1369 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Keeps rejoining to channels I've left 02/13/2016 05:25 PM
1398 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow to store the logs in plain text files 02/05/2016 01:15 PM
1396 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Dataflow documentation for new contributor spin-up 02/01/2016 07:35 PM
1395 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Disconnect from core while Search bar is active, don't close search bar 01/27/2016 02:25 PM
1387 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel crashes when i will add a new Server 01/24/2016 09:53 AM
1391 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Tab-delimited logs 01/08/2016 02:04 AM
1232 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal receives and displays PONG from rusnet server every 30 seconds Sputnick 01/06/2016 01:50 AM
1128 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Keyboard shortcuts for formatting 12/18/2015 01:24 AM
1390 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Segmentation Fault in quasselcore while connecting 12/01/2015 11:42 PM
1335 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support verification of x.509 using TLSA records 11/03/2015 11:53 PM
1052 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Cannot arrange channels in custom order, client is ignoring "Sort alphabetically" option luckman212 10/12/2015 11:41 AM
1384 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Clickable links ignore some valid URI characters. 10/01/2015 10:21 PM
1382 Quassel IRC Feature New Low CTCP-S support 09/27/2015 12:21 AM
1376 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Windows 10 issue, missing libqca-qt5.dll | V12.2 09/14/2015 09:21 PM
1381 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel Client on OSX 10.11 will not connect to remote core 09/10/2015 08:29 PM
1354 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent Immediate crash on windows with v0.12.2 09/06/2015 10:59 PM
1380 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Core should encrypt the storage 08/29/2015 02:00 PM
1379 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel should only highlight message content, leave nick colored. 08/20/2015 11:44 AM
1378 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel should not show wallops as operwalls 08/19/2015 01:05 PM
1375 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel should support showing multiple channels in one buffer with option to move them in and out 08/14/2015 02:37 AM
1374 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal don't keep default focus on text input field 08/11/2015 01:04 PM
1371 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Version list on the bug tracker 08/01/2015 07:39 PM
1370 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Banlist window 08/01/2015 07:38 PM
1340 Quassel IRC Bug New Urgent Quasselcore crashes when connecting 07/24/2015 01:11 PM
1368 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core crashes on Windows when connecting to server 07/22/2015 03:22 AM
1363 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel crash, presumably on image preview 06/11/2015 02:41 PM
1362 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Assertion failure: bufferId.isValid() 06/09/2015 10:16 AM
1360 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Quassel should show unread messages count next to the channel or buffer name 06/03/2015 07:31 AM
937 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Ignore specific items 05/30/2015 01:45 PM
747 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal [PATCH] Cleanup unused CoreSessions 05/30/2015 01:44 PM
794 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Search 'More...' 05/30/2015 01:42 PM
258 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed High Please make backlog searchable from client 05/30/2015 01:37 PM
1357 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Shortcut Configuration: Default settings gone 05/15/2015 08:34 PM
1355 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Unhandled Error in QSqlQuery - before migration 05/11/2015 02:01 PM
1353 Quassel IRC Bug New Low OSX tray icon functionality "Minimize" leads to lost Quassel main window 05/05/2015 06:38 PM
1348 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Highlight Notification- Disable (Silent) all/per channel/per highlighted word 04/29/2015 08:28 PM
1338 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Store client settings in core 04/19/2015 12:50 AM
1346 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal 'Minimize' action in system tray does not minimize the Quassel to the system tray 04/12/2015 04:12 PM
1343 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Auto-replies 04/10/2015 06:28 PM
1342 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal CTCP option 04/10/2015 06:22 PM
1339 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Migration to PostgreSQL fails because of long sender identities inside table sender 02/17/2015 07:31 PM
663 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Normal Crash when disabling uniform row heights for BufferView Sputnick 02/17/2015 12:15 PM
1320 Quassel IRC Bug New High quassel client lost config after systemctl reboot 02/08/2015 06:04 AM
1336 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel displays incorrect nick when connected to bouncer 02/06/2015 09:14 AM
974 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal UI is incorrect when setting up backend fails on setup of core 02/01/2015 03:43 PM
1315 Quassel IRC Bug New High Quassel 0.11 in Arch Linux Loses Connection with Quassel Core 01/25/2015 03:22 PM
1331 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Selecting multiple Chats/Entries with ctrl is buggy/messy 01/11/2015 01:40 PM
1328 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Room notifications 12/31/2014 05:22 PM
1327 Quassel IRC Feature New Low The search box should search the complete log 12/21/2014 09:11 AM
1326 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel doesn't seem to correctly handle invalid CTCP lines. 12/18/2014 08:09 PM
1325 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal App Crashes - upon interaction with name in userlist 11/16/2014 03:22 PM
1324 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Trouble occurred when using nickname include asian characters. 11/09/2014 08:10 PM
1287 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Whitelist/blacklist for "hot chat" shortcut pitastrudl 10/25/2014 10:10 PM
1316 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel freezes when I switch to a buffer with large backlog 10/09/2014 11:30 PM
1170 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Cannot migrate 0.8.0 to PostgreSQL 10/09/2014 07:08 PM
1306 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Support auto update 10/07/2014 05:12 PM
1312 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Normal Investigate hotlist buffer sorting Sputnick 09/23/2014 11:01 PM
1311 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Selected, hovered url not shown in highlighted message 09/21/2014 01:22 AM
1310 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Allow +Y to appear as owner mode in Quassel 09/16/2014 09:49 PM
1307 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Client crash switching to buffer after network disconnect 08/30/2014 03:32 PM
1278 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel-Client 0.10.0 on Mac OS X does not render retina anymore 08/28/2014 10:50 PM
(201-300/616) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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