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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1719 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Crash with message (input) history and color codes 12/17/2024 11:21 AM
1718 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal feature 08/01/2022 06:16 AM
1715 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Quassel Core does not read quasselCert.pem if it's a symlink 09/29/2021 05:49 AM
1674 Quassel IRC Bug New Immediate Cannot join channels with non-ASCII names on ISO-2022-JP-encoded servers 04/27/2022 06:15 AM
1660 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal SQLite to PostgreSQL migration failure - column length and duplicate key errors. 02/04/2025 10:32 AM
1656 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal SignalProxy::handleInitRequest() received initRequest for unregistered Object: "IrcUser" 06/13/2023 09:01 AM
1644 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Provide documentation on how to change core's database connection parameters (password, etc.) genius3000 01/20/2022 08:05 AM
1618 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Unable to right-click links in topic 10/11/2022 07:28 AM
1613 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Parametrize browser 09/09/2022 11:52 AM
1610 Quassel IRC Bug New High Spell check missing on Mac OS X Client 10/01/2023 11:39 PM
1606 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Alias loses first character 05/03/2023 02:16 PM
1600 Quassel IRC Bug New Low In ignore highlight rules channels should be separated by commas not semicolons 09/30/2021 08:18 AM
1599 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Status Icon stuck in active state 05/10/2023 11:47 AM
1593 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Multiple wait commands with same timeout not executed 04/20/2021 07:13 AM
1587 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Changing an existing identity SSL key and certificate hangs on "Syncing data with core, please wait..." 05/23/2023 08:36 AM
1586 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Selecting the wrong file as client certificate causes quasselclient to disconnect from core 06/14/2023 01:19 PM
1584 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal secp384r1 04/14/2023 08:12 AM
1582 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal No known features for CXX compiler "Clang" version 9.0.1. 02/12/2025 11:30 AM
1581 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal remote highlighting ignore rules shall overrule "Nick" 03/01/2023 09:07 AM
1578 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed High Desktop Folder Deleted When Uninstall 01/17/2022 09:03 AM
1565 Quassel IRC Bug New High --select-backend ignores asked PostgreSQL port 06/28/2023 02:26 PM
1563 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Links in Snore UI do not open 11/05/2020 06:22 AM
1562 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Toasty ( no longer exists, remove from code 05/07/2021 04:55 AM
1561 Quassel IRC Bug Feedback Normal Authentication Required Loop when connecting to new core 02/25/2023 12:48 PM
1560 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal update screenshots 03/31/2023 11:32 AM
(26-50/616) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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