Bug #1644
Provide documentation on how to change core's database connection parameters (password, etc.)
I had some issues when my core's settings somehow got moved or deleted. core would not connect to the database (which was working fine), the client gave a core setup wizard, wanting to know which core users to create, etc. As I already had the core configured, I just wanted to reset the database connection parameters.
I couldn't find any clear documentation on how to do this in the wiki or the FAQ.
Finally I tried 'sudo i -u quassel - quasselcore --configdir /var/lib/quassel --select-backend PostgreSQL' (Gentoo) which prompted for the new database parameters, and it worked!
#1 Updated by jjakob about 4 years ago
Edit - formatting:
sudo -i -u quassel -- quasselcore --configdir /var/lib/quassel --select-backend PostgreSQL
#2 Updated by genius3000 about 4 years ago
- Category set to General / Unspecified
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Assignee set to genius3000
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
#3 Updated by jjakob about 4 years ago
I'm okay with that. I only wonder if all other systems use the quasselcore user while gentoo uses just quassel, maybe a note should be added to check the user quasselcore runs as and check the path to configdir, as setting a wrong configdir will seem to work, but the "real" quasselcore process won't read the resultant generated config file as it was generated in the wrong place.