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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
610 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Easy way to turn a flow of /msg into a /query 10/20/2020 08:55 AM
1807 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Dock Icon changes on macOS after launching quassel 02/11/2025 05:33 AM
1035 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Day changed notification appears too early 11/03/2010 12:07 AM
1382 Quassel IRC Feature New Low CTCP-S support 09/27/2015 12:21 AM
1079 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Consider supporting unix socket as a transport between core and client 05/26/2011 11:51 PM
1038 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Changing the quasselclient icon on mac os x does not work EgS 03/22/2011 12:01 AM
1170 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Cannot migrate 0.8.0 to PostgreSQL 10/09/2014 07:08 PM
942 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Cannot join channels containing + by clicking 03/19/2010 11:46 PM
1606 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Alias loses first character 05/03/2023 02:16 PM
553 Quassel IRC Feature New Low add reconnect timer for core connection 03/01/2012 10:02 PM
376 Quassel IRC Feature New Low add jabber/instant messaging support 04/25/2021 01:14 PM
994 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Add handlers for channel forwarding; 06/16/2010 12:54 AM
1107 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Add /anick capability, to change your nick on every connected server 09/17/2011 08:31 PM
1444 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Ability to add/remove monitored channels by right-clicking on them and selecting an option 09/11/2017 01:19 AM
700 Quassel IRC Feature New Low [Request] Web Interface 05/20/2009 11:54 PM
1161 Quassel IRC Feature New Low [PATCH] Channel mode in titlebar 05/03/2012 11:47 AM
1033 Quassel IRC Bug New Low "Jump to markerline" doesn't work properly with fixed backlog fetcher in busy buffers 04/21/2011 10:56 PM
(601-617/617) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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