Bug #1033
"Jump to markerline" doesn't work properly with fixed backlog fetcher in busy buffers
If the markerline is farther away than the visible part of the backlog plus one time the "dynamic backlog amount", the Ctrl-K shortcut doesn't work as intended. This can only happen with the fixed backlog fetcher of course, since the "unread messages" fetcher always fetches enough.
The client just fetches 1x "dynamic backlog amount", and the list position stays the same. Pressing Ctrl-K repeatedly makes it fetch one more "dynamic backlog amount" each time, and will finally jump to the markerline when the backlog finally got back to it.
This behaviour becomes more likely for low values of "initial backlog amount" and "dynamic backlog amount", e.g. if one is using UMTS/EDGE and wants to conserve bandwidth.
Actual client version is 0.8-pre+27 git-97163ce; this still cannot be selected in the Version dropdown...
#1 Updated by johu almost 14 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low