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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
923 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal Quassel server hangs when deleting a large buffer. 08/07/2018 02:14 PM
461 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Store ircd replies as raw messages, prettify them in the client 04/25/2021 01:14 PM
478 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Different charsets for different channels/queries 05/31/2021 10:10 AM
1222 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Open irc:// link with quassel 10/01/2021 10:59 PM
1578 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed High Desktop Folder Deleted When Uninstall 01/17/2022 09:03 AM
1483 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Qt5 drops (q_)foreach in a future release 07/17/2023 11:16 AM
1245 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Urgent Some senders are ignored due to PostgreSQL constraint errors 08/18/2023 04:47 AM
1544 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed High Quassel does not compile with qt 5.14.0 12/10/2024 08:45 AM
489 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Provide validation of and feedback about the core/client SSL cert EgS 11/20/2019 11:00 AM
763 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Low Reset colors to defaults before setting new sytlesheet Sputnick 03/08/2010 02:26 PM
977 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal mIRC "reverse" formatting code is not implemented Sputnick 07/10/2010 03:00 PM
355 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal /exec commands Sputnick 12/23/2013 10:54 PM
1232 Quassel IRC Bug Confirmed Normal receives and displays PONG from rusnet server every 30 seconds Sputnick 01/06/2016 01:50 AM
656 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Low Multiple actions like op, deop, etc. won't group by using the context menue. 06/12/2016 04:26 PM
303 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add /unban and /banlist EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
381 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Normal Make the interval that triggers DB flushes configurable EgS 04/24/2010 10:29 PM
850 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Low german translation of the menu is wrong on mac os EgS 08/12/2010 12:16 AM
280 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Normal QueryBufferItem doesn't notice nick changes if the old nick did not belong to that item. EgS 05/11/2011 05:34 AM
22 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Implement DCC and CTCP. EgS 09/11/2019 08:34 PM
77 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Core administration, Core user admin, ACL support phon 08/11/2010 10:34 PM
285 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add functionalties from nick widget to chat widget Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
263 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal label support for chatlines Sputnick 05/15/2009 08:11 PM
223 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Buffer view Add a direct access to network configuration Sputnick 03/02/2010 01:02 AM
320 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal align nickname in action messages Sputnick 03/04/2010 02:08 AM
587 Quassel IRC Bug Assigned Low Sender auto coloring breaks all colors in chatview Sputnick 08/19/2010 02:11 AM
(551-575/616) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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