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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
320 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal align nickname in action messages Sputnick 03/04/2010 02:08 AM
223 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Buffer view Add a direct access to network configuration Sputnick 03/02/2010 01:02 AM
263 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal label support for chatlines Sputnick 05/15/2009 08:11 PM
443 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Tab completion should show list of possible matches Sputnick 03/01/2012 09:03 PM
910 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Install reCaptcha on Sputnick 05/17/2022 06:18 AM
355 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal /exec commands Sputnick 12/23/2013 10:54 PM
285 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add functionalties from nick widget to chat widget Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
94 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Implement rejoin on kick Sputnick 08/03/2023 10:23 AM
1150 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Auto-generate sender colors sandsmark 05/05/2020 06:27 PM
1287 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Whitelist/blacklist for "hot chat" shortcut pitastrudl 10/25/2014 10:10 PM
77 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned Normal Core administration, Core user admin, ACL support phon 08/11/2010 10:34 PM
1221 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Allow arbitrary buffer shortcuts FishFace 09/08/2013 04:21 PM
228 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback Normal Increase the preview buffer size in the settings of the Network window buffervieweditdlg.ui EgS 06/12/2016 04:23 PM
463 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback Normal GUI for verifying SSL Certificates EgS 01/17/2009 04:23 AM
464 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback Normal Ability to specify a "Certificate Authority"-certificate EgS 01/17/2009 04:22 AM
341 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback Normal Quassel should be able to show notices in current buffer while keeping private messages in query buffer EgS 04/25/2020 07:07 AM
489 Quassel IRC Feature Confirmed Normal Provide validation of and feedback about the core/client SSL cert EgS 11/20/2019 11:00 AM
146 Quassel IRC Feature New High Networks in custom view only alphabet-sortable EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
22 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Implement DCC and CTCP. EgS 09/11/2019 08:34 PM
303 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add /unban and /banlist EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
376 Quassel IRC Feature New Low add jabber/instant messaging support 04/25/2021 01:14 PM
477 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Implement /names to print nicks in channel 01/20/2009 08:49 PM
553 Quassel IRC Feature New Low add reconnect timer for core connection 03/01/2012 10:02 PM
598 Quassel IRC Feature New Low HTTP proxy selection on Windows for the webkit preview 02/18/2010 12:57 AM
610 Quassel IRC Feature New Low Easy way to turn a flow of /msg into a /query 10/20/2020 08:55 AM
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