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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
980 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal connection attempt during core start caused deadlock 05/30/2010 03:49 PM
981 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Modes being removed without user interaction 07/16/2018 05:51 AM
983 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal A selected, highlighted, wrapped line has discoloration issues 06/02/2010 04:53 AM
985 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Segfault in Quassel when i have open a url 06/03/2010 07:14 PM
982 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal chat list focussing wrong element 10/25/2017 09:35 AM
986 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal quassel crashes with signal aborted after trying to open debug log 06/07/2010 02:48 PM
994 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Add handlers for channel forwarding; 06/16/2010 12:54 AM
999 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core crash on network removal 09/13/2010 05:20 AM
1009 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Segmentation fault 07/31/2010 11:00 AM
1006 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Quassel should connect to servers in the order they are specified in the server list 07/23/2010 01:17 PM
1017 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Certain special characters cause Quassel to crash 08/25/2010 09:50 PM
1027 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Own nick selection combobox always have a focus ring on Mac 01/21/2012 09:58 PM
1033 Quassel IRC Bug New Low "Jump to markerline" doesn't work properly with fixed backlog fetcher in busy buffers 04/21/2011 10:56 PM
1035 Quassel IRC Bug New Low Day changed notification appears too early 11/03/2010 12:07 AM
1036 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Removing Network, "dangling" backlogs and buffers in db. 11/08/2010 02:26 PM
1047 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Strange/ unwanted effects when sending/ receiving messages while the (postgres) database ist disconnected 06/20/2024 04:18 AM
1075 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Notifications in GNOME 3 05/06/2011 05:40 PM
1076 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Not marked /back when reattaching to core 05/09/2011 12:40 AM
1051 Quassel IRC Bug New High Core becomes unresponsive, possibly because of database being locked 08/26/2016 03:41 PM
1055 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Offline/idle status persists after reconnection 02/23/2011 05:51 PM
1080 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal BufferViewConfig contains buffer ids for deleted buffers 06/09/2011 05:45 PM
1088 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Query with nicknames in Cyrillic does not work 12/04/2011 04:56 PM
1056 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Segfault 02/25/2011 07:21 PM
1077 Quassel IRC Bug New High Crash just after switching windows away quassel 05/16/2011 02:15 PM
1099 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel client crash 09/17/2011 09:48 AM
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