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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
375 Quassel IRC Bug Closed Normal Client crashes when launched right after a core start 11/21/2019 10:39 AM
342 Quassel IRC Bug Closed Normal A hidden query buffer won't be redisplayed when you query that person again. 03/01/2012 08:34 PM
766 Quassel IRC Bug Closed Normal Client crashes when setting a custom stylesheet and clicking on apply 04/24/2010 10:11 PM
754 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Initial backlog fetch causes a timeout while PostgreSQL uses a massive amount of CPU 07/29/2009 03:11 PM
692 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High backslashes in buffer names are being escaped 07/26/2009 06:16 PM
562 Quassel IRC Bug Closed Normal Nick status in bufferlist not always up to date. 03/08/2009 02:29 PM
454 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved Normal User notices are displayed twice in the current buffer. 01/13/2009 06:56 PM
409 Quassel IRC Bug Closed Normal Core hangs when sending an interrupt signal (CTRL-C) right after startup EgS 12/23/2013 08:59 PM
371 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved Normal Initial backlog fetches from inactive buffers (with no unread messages) EgS 03/26/2009 11:13 PM
632 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved Normal Merging two buffers triggers an SQL error using the PostgreSQL backend EgS 03/24/2009 05:40 PM
305 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved Normal Added socks support EgS 01/13/2009 08:31 PM
297 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Change the default /j alias to accept channel passwords EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
304 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Bulk insert (+ a few simple regexp improvements) EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
307 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Searching for longer strings deforms the highlight rectangle EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
787 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Ops rejoining after netsplit show up as normal users seezer 09/13/2009 11:23 PM
482 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved Normal Rightclick in bufferlist is misbehaving Sputnick 01/15/2009 08:50 PM
379 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High URL's are quoted before being opened when clicked on Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
293 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Scrolling to top raises an assertion error Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
295 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High Make fails on FreeBSD due to execinfo.h Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
296 Quassel IRC Bug Resolved High The buffer should only load new lines when scrolling up Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
989 Quassel IRC Feature Resolved Normal Add ignore highlight option in a channel's context menu 09/14/2018 02:48 AM
816 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Query blocker (with whitelist) 09/27/2009 10:22 PM
421 Quassel IRC Feature New High Have a "On attach" and "On detach" perform list 03/07/2009 04:37 PM
586 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add "always show private messages" option to the chat monitor. 03/01/2009 12:24 AM
585 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add different "profiles" to the chat monitor 03/01/2009 12:21 AM
303 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add /unban and /banlist EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
452 Quassel IRC Feature Resolved High Add option to minimize to tray on startup Sputnick 12/01/2023 08:51 AM
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