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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
265 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Plug-In/Script support 07/12/2023 03:53 AM
267 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add Support for kvirc's avatar protocol 03/03/2010 01:53 AM
288 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal please make bufferviews scroll to highlighted queries/channels 04/28/2010 02:26 AM
326 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Group monologues together 01/13/2009 08:30 PM
353 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Please add channel preview on hover over tray icon. 12/23/2013 10:54 PM
354 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Hide maximise and close buttons on internal buffers when they are locked. 08/06/2010 03:23 AM
388 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal tooltip with the user and channel in the chat monitor 03/02/2010 01:06 AM
469 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Show old topic on topic change 01/20/2009 11:53 PM
466 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal "read" buffer 03/01/2012 11:07 AM
467 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Split view 04/25/2021 01:13 PM
480 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Please add number of hilights to buffers 01/16/2009 11:09 PM
496 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Request web preview pop-up window size be configurable 10/03/2012 10:57 PM
497 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Topic change should fail if the length is too big for the server 03/01/2012 09:20 PM
515 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Don't include current channel in chat monitor 02/04/2009 08:18 PM
532 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal CTCP VERSION reply should be configurable 02/09/2009 10:02 PM
534 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Quit message on core shutdown could be configurable 02/10/2009 06:53 PM
539 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add basic command line interface options for server/port/channel/username connections using internal core 02/11/2009 03:18 AM
550 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Appearance ptions 05/17/2014 12:04 PM
559 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Produce Stacktrace on request without crashing 02/17/2009 01:56 AM
565 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Backlog exporting 02/17/2009 10:47 PM
585 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add different "profiles" to the chat monitor 03/01/2009 12:21 AM
586 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Add "always show private messages" option to the chat monitor. 03/01/2009 12:24 AM
589 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Update unread message marker after new messages arrive and not after channel switch 03/01/2009 08:17 PM
590 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Option not to log certain buffers 03/02/2009 06:51 PM
602 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Use space more efficiently 07/26/2009 02:54 PM
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