Feature #550
Appearance ptions
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Quassel could/should have some options for mIRC-style colors, and mode-prefixs. Ex, Ops appear as <@SnoFox> instead of just <SnoFox>. Either that or the XChat style where they give each nickname a different color. :p
And though it's probably already planned out, timestamps should be customizable, in both format, as well as the brackets that surround it.
Examples: [15:30:23] (3:30) [3:30pm]
Related issues
#1 Updated by pennywise almost 16 years ago
- File datePatch.diff datePatch.diff added
Though it's hardcoded, DataFreak asked for this patch. See added file.
#3 Updated by flamingspinach almost 15 years ago
By the way, all this has been implemented at present, except for modechars (afaik).
#4 Updated by kode54 about 14 years ago
- File modeprefix.patch modeprefix.patch added
This is hardcoded, too, but it works.
#5 Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
- Target version set to Some future release
#6 Updated by gry almost 11 years ago
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