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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
56 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback High compositing/transparency 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
64 Quassel IRC Feature Feedback High horizontal tabbed buffer view requested 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
81 Quassel IRC Feature New High Backlog adminstration 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
146 Quassel IRC Feature New High Networks in custom view only alphabet-sortable EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
184 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add time of last event as Buffer View activity criterion 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
198 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please combine the 2 options for scrolling in the channel list 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
201 Quassel IRC Feature New High add a /commands command ;-) to return a list of all implemented commands 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
211 Quassel IRC Feature New High enable/disable backlog per buffer 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
215 Quassel IRC Feature New High Hide IDs on !-Channels 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
271 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please make a graphical unbanning dialogue 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
285 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add functionalties from nick widget to chat widget Sputnick 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
292 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please make double click on column handles resize the column to fit widest nick/channel 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
303 Quassel IRC Feature Assigned High Add /unban and /banlist EgS 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
316 Quassel IRC Feature New High please include whitelist to control who is allowed to query 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
340 Quassel IRC Feature New High Idea: Colored custom highlights plus highlight tracker 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
356 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add CAPAB IDENTIFY-MSG ability 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
361 Quassel IRC Feature New High Requesting the ability to designate one or more of the nicks in an identity as "away nicks" 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
373 Quassel IRC Feature New High Please add paste control with pastebin 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
383 Quassel IRC Feature New High shortcut to mark all channels as read 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
384 Quassel IRC Feature New High topic bar should show the author of the topic 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
404 Quassel IRC Feature New High tab completion for commands 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
414 Quassel IRC Feature New High scale status-icons (away,online,offline) to font size 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
420 Quassel IRC Feature New High please add filter function to search bar 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
423 Quassel IRC Feature New High Options for the location of the settings 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
424 Quassel IRC Feature New High Add visual feedback on activity in buffer view titles 12/28/2008 12:49 AM
(1-25/616) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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