


Bug #1511

Regression in 0.13: dynamically ignored messages still produce highlight notifications (buffer activity)

Added by Smarter almost 6 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Quassel Core
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Since upgrading from 0.12 to 0.13, I've noticed some channels sending me highlight notifications without any actual highlight visible when I visited the channel, I then realized this was because these notifications were for messages that matched my ignore list. I'm assuming this is related to so tentatively assigning to digitalcircuit.

Associated revisions

Revision fce08b45 (diff)
Added by Shane Synan over 4 years ago

common: Exclude ignored messages in buffer activity

Add a new message flag, 'Ignored', tracking if the message matched an
ignore rule when received. In practice, this refers to dynamic ignore
rules (SoftStrictness), as permanent ignore rules (HardStrictness)
will drop the message entirely. Simple clients/bots may use this to
apply ignore rules without having to implement the entire regular
expression rules.

Exclude messages that match an ignore rule when updating
bufferActivity and highlightCount, fixing the appearance of new
activity/highlights from ignored messages.

Fixes #1511

NOTE: Using the 'Ignored' flag is not recommended for full clients as
they will need to locally reveal hidden messages when specific dynamic
ignore rules are disabled.

Clean up leftover comment on serializing sender prefixes.

Co-authored-by: Janne Koschinski <>


#1 Updated by digitalcircuit almost 6 years ago

By "sending me highlight notifications", are you referring to the channel name changing color (orange by default) to show a highlight, or receiving a pop-up notification/sound/etc?

If the former (changes color of channel name)…

It's a known issue given how those colors are calculated. Quassel keeps track of what kinds of messages have been received (join, part, message, highlight) in an efficient way, asking the database to store it. This currently doesn't take into account Dynamic ignore rules.

Workaround: Switch the Dynamic ignore to Permanent. This will keep those messages from ever being saved to the database in the first place.

Ideally, Dynamic rules would work too; perhaps there's a different way to fix this.

If the latter (triggers a pop-up notification/etc)…

This is a new bug we haven't seen before.

#2 Updated by Smarter almost 6 years ago

digitalcircuit wrote:

By "sending me highlight notifications", are you referring to the channel name changing color (orange by default) to show a highlight, or receiving a pop-up notification/sound/etc?

It's the former indeed.

Workaround: Switch the Dynamic ignore to Permanent. This will keep those messages from ever being saved to the database in the first place.

That worked, thanks!

#3 Updated by digitalcircuit almost 6 years ago

  • Subject changed from Regression in 0.13: ignored messages still produce highlight notifications to Regression in 0.13: dynamically ignored messages still produce highlight notifications (buffer activity)
  • Target version set to Some future release

Thank you for confirming! I'm glad the workaround functions for now.

This is still a valid issue, so I'm leaving it open with a slightly clarified name.

#4 Updated by digitalcircuit over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • Target version changed from Some future release to 0.14.0

This will be properly addressed with ; I'll try to get that tested in time for 0.14.0.

#5 Updated by Anonymous over 4 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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