


Development git patches » History » Version 14

johu, 09/09/2010 01:55 AM
update git reference to gitorious

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h1. Git Patches
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h2. About these instructions
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There are two sets of instructions here; one for first-time setup, one for already existing setups.
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h2. First-time setup
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1. Create a git copy of the master from gitorious
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<pre>$ git clone git://</pre>
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2. Change into your new copy of the git repository
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<pre>$ cd quassel</pre>
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3. Set your personal preferences
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<pre>$ git config --global "Your full name here"
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$ git config --global ""</pre>
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4. At this point you have your very own working copy of the central git repository which you can make changes to.
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<pre>$ ls
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AUTHORS    CMakeLists.txt  dev-notes  gpl-2.0.txt  INSTALL     po       src
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ChangeLog  COPYING         doc        gpl-3.0.txt  interfaces  README
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cmake      data            Doxyfile   icons        pics        scripts</pre>
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When you have edited the file(s), you should follow the steps in the "Existing setups" below to create the git patch file(s).
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h2. Existing setups
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Here, I assume you have either followed the instructions above, or already have a git repository clone from the master.
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Also, I expect that you are inside the local 'quassel' repository as per 3. in the "First-time setup" above.
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1. If you want to keep your local repository up to date with the central one, you just need to synchronize
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<pre>$ git pull --rebase</pre>
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2. After you have done your changes to the file for bug fixing, you can check that the changes are recorded by git
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(all your changes will be shown, press <space> to move one page further, and <q> to stop showing the differences/changes)
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<pre>$ git status</pre><pre>$ git diff</pre>
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3. Then it's time to add your changes to the local index (change <path-to-file> with complete path to your changed file)
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<pre>$ git add <path-to-file></pre>
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4. You then commit the changes you have done (which will give some feedback like the one I've provided below)
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(You should change the "Fixed some small inconsistencies" text with some short description of your changes)
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<pre>$ git commit -m "Fixed some small inconsistencies."
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[master edc8b8a] Fixed some small inconsistencies.
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 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)</pre>
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5. You can now check the status of you git repository (which will give some feedback like the one I've provided below)
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<pre>$ git status
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# On branch master
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# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
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nothing to commit (working directory clean)</pre>
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6. You then create the actual patch-file (note that the name of the file is the description provided in 4. above)
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<pre>$ git format-patch origin/master
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7. Congratulations! :-) 
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This file is now ready and you attach to the bug issue or send it to a developer via mail e.g. devel _at_