


Build Quassel on Windows Mingw » History » Version 47

TheOneRing, 04/11/2014 02:01 PM

1 1 TheOneRing
h1. Build Quassel on Windows Mingw
2 1 TheOneRing
3 14 TheOneRing
h2. Build Quassel with QT only
4 13 TheOneRing
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h2. Software Requirements
6 2 seezer
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* "python 3":
8 44 TheOneRing
* "Git":
9 41 TheOneRing
* "QT 4.8.5":
10 41 TheOneRing
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h2. Installation
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h3. Install Python
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If you already have installed python you can skip this step.
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h3. Install Git
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If you already have installed python you can skip this step.
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h3. Setup your installation directory
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Create the directory you will use as your ROOT directory for your quassel build.
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h3. Install and setup emerge
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First of all you need to checkout emerge using git.
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Open a powershell or instance, switch to your ROOT directory and clone emerge "git clone git://".
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Check out the latest stable branch which is currently "kde-4.12"("cd emerge" "git checkout kde-4.12").
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Create a "etc" folder in your ROOT directory.
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Save the following ini file to "ROOT/etc/kdesettings.ini" 
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#a fast make tool for cmake projects
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#use jom, jom is a fast make tool
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#use gcc 4.4.7
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EMERGE_OPTIONS = features.legacyGCC=True
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KDEROOT = D:\quassel-noqt
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PYTHONPATH = C:\python34
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PACKAGE_IGNORES =  win32libs/openssl;libs/qt;kde/kdelibs;kde/kde-runtime;kdesupport/phonon;kdesupport/phonon-ds9;binary/mysql-pkg;win32libs/dbus;dev-util/git;dev-util/subversion
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Set KDEROOT to your ROOT directory for building quassel.
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Set PYTHONPATH to the location of your python installation.
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Important is the value of PACKAGE_IGNORES here we disable all packages emerge wants to install by default.
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In your powersehll instance go to ROOT/emerge and call ". kdeenv.ps1" the "." is important to load the script.
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If you get an error please try to set "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" to make it possible to run downloaded scripts.
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Lets start with emerging the compiler, "emerge mingw-w32".
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Now lets see what emerge wants to install, call "emerge -p quassel", if you see a package in the list of dependencies you don't want to install add it to PACKAGE_IGNORES.
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h3. Install Qt 4.8.5
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Install to your ROOT directory.
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When you get asked for the location of your mingw location set it to "ROOT/mingw" and ignore the warning.
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h3. Build quassel
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Go to your powershell window, and enter "emerge quassel" now quassel and all dependencies for quassel should be automatically be build.