Bug #338
Mousing over URL preview window causes client crash
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Client output at http://quassel.pastebin.com/m7abd5d98
Note: I am running Quassel on a small screen and the text area is too small to display the entire preview window. This could be part of the bug but due to my 800x480 screen I can't really test it.
Related issues
#1 Updated by TerrorBite over 16 years ago
Correction: it appears to occur when the mouse moves off the link, and the QGraphicsItem is cleared:
clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(0)clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(0)
clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(0)
clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(0)
load call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(0)
load call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
show event ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
load call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
clear call ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
clear event ChatScene(0x91b99c0) QGraphicsItem(this = 0xac26800 , parent = 0x0 , pos = QPointF(127, 7200), z =30, flags = {"isVisible|isEnabled" })
pure virtual method called
terminate called without an active exception
- 0 quasselclient 0x0822decc Quassel::handleCrash()
- 1 quasselclient 0x0822e9df Quassel::handleSignal(int)
#2 Updated by TerrorBite over 16 years ago
Update: Bug appears to be fixed in latest git, please close this BR
#3 Updated by EgS over 16 years ago
This bug is sadly not fixed. It doesn't appear currently due to a work around (disabling the ChatScene's BSPTree Indexing). But I still need to find a proper solution.