Bug #1254
Semicolon interpreted as a new line when i need it not to
In our support channel we often need to obtain routine diagnostic data from users, and since we're repeating ourselves it makes the most sense to use an alias. For example, we might address a user and ask them to copy/paste a command into terminal and provide us with the results as follows:
User: Please copy/paste this command into terminal and share the link with us: { inxi -c0 -FSRzdfulportcm20; egrep -i 'warn|error|critical' /var/log/syslog; } | pastebinit
But as you might have guessed, the line ends at the first semicolon.
Can we please come up with a way to use literal strings, such as what you can do in terminal using quotes or doublequotes? Aliases are not always used as ways to execute code, in fact I don't know anyone who uses them for that. Even still, in code, do we not sometimes need to reference text literally? For that reason, I'm considering this a bug and not a feature request.
Many thanks.
#1 Updated by genius3000 about 7 years ago
- Category set to Quassel Client
- Target version set to Some future release
I attempted adding an escape character to the QRegExp used for splitting the alias into multiple commands, but with Qt4 look-behinds aren't supported and I'm not sure how else to approach it. It looks like Qt5 has QRegularExpression which does support look-behinds. This might be best left for the switch to Qt5.