Feature #125
Bind to a particular interface
the ip adresses (IPv4 as well as IPv6) should be configurable per network and user via client. nice would be a drop-down box including ips and reverse lookups.
#1 Updated by EgS almost 17 years ago
[08:36:38] <thiago_home> yes: type man 7 socket in your Unix system
[08:36:49] <thiago_home> also useful: man 2 bind, man 2 connect
[08:37:35] <abdb> oh so you mean native unix socket functions, i see
[08:37:44] <thiago_home> yes
[08:37:57] <thiago_home> that's the only way of doing what you want to do
[08:38:57] <thiago_home> so, do it only if you really need it by your protocol's conventions.
[08:39:10] <thiago_home> if you don't need it, if you just would find it nice to have it, scrap that idea
[08:40:41] <thiago_home> create the socket, bind, connect, then call setSocketDescriptor on QTcpSocket.
#2 Updated by phon almost 17 years ago
#3 Updated by phon almost 17 years ago
more additional info for windows:
Obtain all IP addresses of local machine
dns - (reverse) lookups:
(although for visual c++: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/831226/de)
#4 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal
#5 Updated by johu about 15 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- OS set to Any
#6 Updated by phuzion over 3 years ago
There is currently a PR on GitHub in process that may at least partially resolve this bug.