


Development git patches » History » Version 3

Version 2 (tan, 12/30/2009 01:06 AM) → Version 3/15 (tan, 12/30/2009 01:23 AM)

h1. Creating Translation git patches


h2. About these instructions

There are two sets of instructions here; one for first-time setup, one for already existing setups.

h2. First-time setup

1. Create a directory to hold the git repository
<pre>$ mkdir quassel-dev
$ cd quassel-dev</pre>

2. Create a git copy of the master from
<pre>$ git clone git://</pre>

3. Change into your new copy of the git repository
<pre>$ cd quassel</pre>

4. Set your personal preferences (valid only inside this git repository)
<pre>$ git config --global "Your full name here"
$ git config --global ""</pre>

5. At this point you have your very own working copy of the central git repository which you can make changes to. Now is a good time to fire up your favorite .po-editor, and start editing your language file (you should edit the file in your local git repository).
As an example based on the path I've used here, the Norwegian Bokmaal translation file: <pre>~/quassel-dev/quassel/po/quassel_nb_NO.po</pre>

When you have edited the file(s), you should follow the steps in the "Existing setups" below to create the git patch file(s).

h2. Existing setups

Here, I assume you have either followed the instructions above, or already have a git repository clone from the master.
Also, I expect that you are inside the local 'quassel' repository as per 3. in the "First-time setup" above,

1. After you have done your changes to the .po file for your language, you can chech that the changes are recorded by git
(all your changes will be shown, press <space> to move one page further, and <q> to stop showing the differences/changes)
<pre>$ git diff</pre>

2. Then it's time to add your changes to the local index
<pre>$ git add .</pre>

3. You then commit the changes you have done (which will give some feedback like the one I've provided below)
(You should change the "Fixed some small inconsistencies" tekst with some short description of your changes)
<pre>$ git commit -m "Fixed some small inconsistencies."
[master edc8b8a] Fixed some small inconsistencies.
1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)</pre>

4. You can now check the status of you git repository (which will give some feedback like the one I've provided below)
<pre>$ git status
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)</pre>

5. You then create the actual patch-file
<pre>$ git format-patch origin/master