


Build Quassel on Windows Mingw » History » Version 11

Version 10 (TheOneRing, 01/27/2010 09:53 AM) → Version 11/47 (TheOneRing, 01/27/2010 09:54 AM)

h1. Build Quassel on Windows Mingw

h1. Currently it seems like building quassel with mingw is only possible with Windows KDE

# got to the "Emerge Tutorial":
# check out emerge and set up the kdesettings.bat acording to the kde tutorial
# install mingw4 "emerge mingw4"
# follow steps 2 and 3 on this page
# copy 'dbghelp'\sdk\lib\i386 to your 'kdereoot'/lib
# copy 'dbghelp'\sdk\inc\i386 to your 'kderoot'/include
# install quassel "emerge quassel" emerge will install all dependency's for you
# when emerge has finished all jobs, start quassel

The steps above would also be possible with msvc2008

h2. Software Requirements

* "QT SDK":
* "CMake":

h2. Installation

h3. Step 1:Install QT SDK

Download and install the QT SDK and select mingw to install with QT.

h3. Step 2:Install DBGHELP SDK

Download and install DBGHELP

h3. Step 3:Generate the dbghelp.dll.a for mingw

* Open a command line
* add your mingw installation to %PATH% (set PATH=%PATH%;mingwdir)
* move to 'dbghelp'\sdk\lib\i386
* type "reimp -d dbghelp.lib"
* type "dlltool -k -d dbghelp.def -l dbghelp.dll.a"

h3. Step 4: Install CMake

h2. Checkout Quassel Mingw branch

* "git clone git://"
* "cd quassel"
* "git remote add -f theonering git://"
* "git checkout theonering/master"

h2. Compile Quassel

* open a command line
* add mingw to your path (set PATH=%PATH%;'mingwdir')
* add cmake to your path (analog to mingw)
* add 'dbghelp'\sdk\lib\i386 to your path
* add 'dbghelp'\sdk\inc\i386 to your path
* switch to the directory where you checked out Quassel
* type "mkdir build"
* type "cd build"
* type "cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" .."
* type "mingw32-make"