


Blowfish Encryption Manual » History » Version 13

Alturiak, 09/04/2018 09:16 PM

1 1 johu
h1. Blowfish Encryption
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3 5 johu
* required version *>=0.7*
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h2. Introduction
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Blowfish can be used to encrypt messages between 2 persons in query, messages in channel and the topic. In Quassel all messages will be de-/encrypted on core. So it is *highly recommend* to *[[Client-Core_SSL_support|setup SSL]]* in case of you are not running monolithic client.
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11 13 Alturiak
Quassel supports ECB and CBC modes (default is ECB in versions <0.13 and CBC in versions >=0.13). Using CBC, however, is highly recommended if all involved parties support it. See *"this article":* for more information.
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h2. Commands
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a) setting a key for a user or channel 
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> Usage
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<pre><code>/setkey <nick|channel> <key></code></pre>
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20 10 Alturiak
The key can be prefixed by either <code>ecb:</code> or <code>cbc:</code> to explicitly set the corresponding encryption mode.
21 10 Alturiak
> Examples
22 11 Alturiak
>> This sets the key for channel #test to 'testkey', implicitly using ECB mode:
23 10 Alturiak
<pre><code>/setkey #test testkey</code></pre>
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>> This sets the key for channel #test to 'testkey', explicitly using CBC mode:
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<pre><code>/setkey #test cbc:testkey</code></pre>
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28 11 Alturiak
>> This sets the key for channel #test to 'testkey', explicitly using ECB mode:
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<pre><code>/setkey #test ecb:testkey</code></pre>
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32 2 johu
b) deleting a key for a user or channel
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34 2 johu
> Usage
35 4 johu
<pre><code>/delkey <nick|channel></code></pre>
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c) show key for a user or channel (since *0.8*)
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39 7 johu
> Usage
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<pre><code>/showkey <nick|channel></code></pre>
41 8 Anonymous
42 8 Anonymous
d) Automatically negotiate a key with the target (DH-1080 key exchange; since *0.9.0*)
43 8 Anonymous
44 1 johu
> Usage
45 10 Alturiak
<pre><code>/keyx <nick></code></pre>
46 8 Anonymous
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h2. Build Instructions
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Blowfish support for Quassel depends on *"QCA":* (Qt Cryptographic Architecture) library. It is needed to compile your core/monolithic client with crypt compile option. 
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bq. _..._ -DWITH_CRYPT=ON _..._
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For detailed build instructions have at look "general build instructons":
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h2. Troubleshooting
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57 9 sjefen6
* If Quassel crashes (like #1045) when tries to send a message to a <nick|channel> where a blowfish encryption key has been set with _<code>/setkey <nick|channel> <key></code>_, you have to install *"qca-ossl":*.
58 1 johu
* To use blowfish in debian you might need the "libqca2-plugin-ossl" package. "sudo apt-get install libqca2-plugin-ossl"
59 12 Alturiak
* Should you see "ERROR_NONECB" in front of incoming encrypted messages, the sender is using CBC while you're using ECB mode. Set your encryption key using CBC mode (see above).