


Autostart Core on Mac » History » Version 8

aleding, 04/09/2017 03:57 AM

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h1. Autostart Core on Mac
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h2. Introduction
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One common method by which to start a daemon on the Mac, either in realtime or at boot, is to use *launchd*.  Using this method requires the creation of a property list file _(plist)_ which is used by _launchd_ to start the desired daemon which is, in this particular scenario, the  _*quasselcore*_ daemon.  Also, while our primary goal is to have the daemon launch at boot, much of the following also applies to manually using _launchd (via the +launchctl+ command)_ to run & stop the same daemon via the command line in realtime.
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bq. *NOTE:* The terms _"launch controller"_ or _"controller"_ are used as shorthand in reference to using the *launchctl* command.
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h2. Creating & saving the plist file
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First, we need to create the necessary plist file which will then be saved to the user's launch agent directory - examples and location are provided below _(if the file exists in the proper location, you may skip this step)_:
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h3. plist example _(by e-jat)_
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<pre><code class="xml">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
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<plist version="1.0">
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h3. plist save location
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*FILENAME:*  org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
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*DIRECTORY:*  ~/Library/LaunchAgents/
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*FULL FILENAME:*  ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
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h2. Manually loading & unloading using the launch controller
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launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
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launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/org.quassel-irg.quasselcore.plist
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h2. Configuring runtime options
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Several runtime options exist to enhance and modify quasselcore's operation _(see list below)_.  These options apply to both daemon launch methods: *(a)* via the controller _(i.e. launchd)_; or *(b)* via the command line.  When launching the daemon via the controller, all options are specified in the same plist file created above.   Each option is specified by the use of _<string>_ statements in the _ProgramArguments array_ section of the plist.  When entering the different options, no white-space or other parsing is entered - the controller will take care of those specifics.  Syntax and examples follow:
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*plist option argument syntax*
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*EXAMPLE 1: listen on non-default port*
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<string>-p 12345</string>
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*EXAMPLE 2: enable logging to syslog*
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*EXAMPLE 3: enable debug mode*
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*EXAMPLE 4: all of the above along with the _ProgramArguments_ section header*
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<pre><code class="xml">
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	<string>-p 12345</string>
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h2. Runtime option list
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--debug, -d                             Enable debug output
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--help, -h                              Display this help and exit
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--version, -v                           Display version information
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--configdir, -c <path>                  Specify the directory holding
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                                        configuration files, the SQlite
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                                        database and the SSL certificate
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										--configdir instead
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--listen <<address>[,<address>[,...]]>  The address(es) quasselcore will
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                                        listen on
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--port, -p <port>                       The port quasselcore will listen at
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--norestore, -n                         Don't restore last core's state
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--loglevel, -L <level>                  Loglevel Debug|Info|Warning|Error
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--syslog                                Log to syslog
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--logfile, -l <path>                    Log to a file
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--select-backend <backendidentifier>    Switch storage backend (migrating
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                                        data if possible)
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--add-user                              Starts an interactive session to add
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                                        a new core user
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--change-userpass <username>            Starts an interactive session to
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                                        change the password of the user
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                                        identified by <username>
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--oidentd                               Enable oidentd integration
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--oidentd-conffile <file>               Set path to oidentd configuration
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--require-ssl                           Require SSL for remote (non-loopback)
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                                        client connections
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--ssl-cert <path>                       Specify the path to the SSL
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--ssl-key <path>                        Specify the path to the SSL key
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--enable-experimental-dcc               Enable highly experimental and
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                                        unfinished support for CTCP DCC
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