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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1375 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Quassel should support showing multiple channels in one buffer with option to move them in and out 08/14/2015 02:37 AM
1758 Quassel IRC Bug New High quasselcore attempts to connect to multiple times in a row causing temporary ban 09/23/2024 04:43 AM
1188 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Remember active buffer, chat lists tree state 09/21/2012 09:36 AM
1513 Quassel IRC Bug New High show error if run out of disk space 09/15/2020 07:22 AM
1560 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal update screenshots 03/31/2023 11:32 AM
1189 Quassel IRC Bug New Normal Use text cursor style in chat view gry 09/24/2012 01:50 AM
1166 Quassel IRC Feature Resolved Normal Add extended-join support 09/14/2018 03:04 AM
1366 Quassel IRC Feature Resolved Normal Quassel should have an option to disable automatic /who every 60 seconds 01/19/2018 07:39 AM
1475 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal add ignore entry to chat view context menu 12/02/2020 05:45 AM
1476 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal add join widget to the toolbar 10/15/2022 06:47 AM
1470 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Beep on message in particular channels 01/20/2018 09:10 PM
1280 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Push PMs and highlighted items to your phone as SMS 05/02/2014 04:21 PM
1360 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Quassel should show unread messages count next to the channel or buffer name 06/03/2015 07:31 AM
1203 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Save IP of people who queried but shared no channels 06/14/2021 05:25 AM
1252 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal separate log and backlog tables 08/03/2023 09:26 AM
1327 Quassel IRC Feature New Low The search box should search the complete log 12/21/2014 09:11 AM
1121 Quassel IRC Feature New Normal Track highlights (Away log) server-side 12/04/2011 01:21 PM
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