Bug #684
Keine Tastatureingabe möglich
Quassel nimmt keinerlei Tastaturangeben entgegen, weder im Chatfenster noch bei den Einstellungen.
Alle Mausfunktionen funktionieren weiterhin problemlos.
#1 Updated by Daisuke_Ido almost 16 years ago
Naraku wrote:
Quassel nimmt keinerlei Tastaturangeben entgegen, weder im Chatfenster noch bei den Einstellungen.
Alle Mausfunktionen funktionieren weiterhin problemlos.
"No keyboard input possible"
I have the same issue with git versions on Ubuntu Jaunty x64. The quick workaround is to change focus away from and back to quasselclient.
#2 Updated by Sputnick almost 16 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- Target version deleted (
Can't reproduce. Most likely not a Quassel issue... does it happen with other apps as well?
#3 Updated by Naraku almost 16 years ago
No, it happens only with Quassel.
I tried it with 0.4.1 from the fedora repos and i compiled from source ... the bug was the same.
The workaround of Daisuke doesn't work at all on my system.
#4 Updated by Naraku almost 16 years ago
Found out the following:
I have "Sprechblasen anzeigen" (Show Baloons oder something like that) turned on.
So when i connect i get a speech bubble that says my nick is registered. When I click into the bubble i can write in Quassel until i leave focus of the chat window e.g. when i open settings.
When i uncheck "show bubbles" or ignore the bubble, i am not able to write one letter.
#5 Updated by johu over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
cant reproduce on with current version (0.7-beta1+1 git-adec06f*)