Feature #602
Use space more efficiently
The time displays seconds, which I normally do not need to know.
The nickname column by itself wastes space, since not every nickname is very long (while some are).
Would be nice to get that tighter packed, so there is less "white" on the screen.
#1 Updated by DevUrandom about 16 years ago
Please change topic to: "Use space more efficient"
In the nicklist you use a treeview to sort the nicks based on role. That seems to waste space as well, since most often the large majority is just a user, not an operator, etc.
#2 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago
- Subject changed from Use space in bufferview better to Use space more efficiently
#3 Updated by DevUrandom about 16 years ago
Maybe a bit more explanation:
One can resize columns, but that does not help. It still either wastes space for short nicks, or does not fully display long nicks.
#4 Updated by Toni over 15 years ago
If you implement this feature, please only as an option. I find the right aligned nick column is one of the greatest features in quassel.