


Bug #435

Client crashes on windows

Added by pennywise over 16 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Quassel Client
Target version:
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I don't know the source of the problem, but my windows quasselclient (0.3.1 [+60] git-b24a38c) just quits itself and the tray icon is "gone" when you hover over it. so it somehow crashed. See chrashlog:

Additional information:

Quassel IRC: 0.3.1 b24a38cf5f34f0a5e12c68d81fa4c67c849f33e9
  1. 0 ??? 0x004da762 0x004da762()
  2. 1 ??? 0x004b8646 0x004b8646()
  3. 2 ??? 0x00bd8f10 std::_Init_locks::operator=()
  4. 3 ??? 0x7c817067 RegisterWaitForInputIdle()

List of linked Modules:


#1 Updated by pennywise over 16 years ago

Quassel IRC: 0.3.1 b24a38cf5f34f0a5e12c68d81fa4c67c849f33e9
  1. 0 ??? 0x004da762 0x004da762()
  2. 1 ??? 0x004b8646 0x004b8646()
  3. 2 ??? 0x00bd8f10 std::_Init_locks::operator=()
  4. 3 ??? 0x7c817067 RegisterWaitForInputIdle()

List of linked Modules:

#2 Updated by pennywise over 16 years ago

Quassel IRC: 0.3.1 e11bf86d6ebf583b22528fe5fda689aa89ff4aa9
  1. 0 ??? 0x004da762 0x004da762()
  2. 1 ??? 0x004b8646 0x004b8646()
  3. 2 ??? 0x00bd8f10 0x00bd8f10()
  4. 3 ??? 0x7c817067 0x7c817067()

List of linked Modules:

does this help? Looks very unhelpfull to me :)

#3 Updated by Sputnick about 16 years ago

  • Priority changed from High to Normal

#4 Updated by EgS about 16 years ago

  • Subject changed from Client "quits" to Client crashes on windows
  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Version set to 0.3.1+

Sadly this doesn't help. Maybe due to our automated stacktraces :) Seems like the trace is from a wrong thread... Have to investigate.

Anyways back to the subject: can you say what might have triggered those crashes or what you did right before the crash?

#5 Updated by pennywise about 16 years ago

nope, sorry :/ All I remember is switching the buffer, but this isn't the reason, but maybe the trigger.

Anyway, didn't have that problem for aprox. a month, so I guess it was automagically fixed :)

#6 Updated by EgS about 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

pennywise wrote:

nope, sorry :/ All I remember is switching the buffer, but this isn't the reason, but maybe the trigger.

Anyway, didn't have that problem for aprox. a month, so I guess it was automagically fixed :)

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