Bug #1275
Can't see the content of new queries
It is not possible for me to open up new queries.
To be precise, I can open a new window, but its entirely blank. http://puu.sh/85KYo.png
If I write something in it, nothing happens on my side, but I was told they received it. For me, it just stays blank.
The old queries still work though.
I have no idea at which point that started to happen though.
#1 Updated by Akumetsu almost 11 years ago
Actually, I just noticed, I can't see contents of new channels either. Debug gives me this whenever someone posts something in one of these blank new channels/queries.
INSERT INTO backlog (time, bufferid, type, flags, senderid, message)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, (SELECT senderid FROM sender WHERE sender = ?), ?)
bound Values: :bufferid=76, :flags=0, :message='thanks', :sender='Martenus!webchat@', :time=1397397934, :type=1
Error Number: 11
Error Message: database disk image is malformed Unable to fetch row
Driver Message: Unable to fetch row
DB Message: database disk image is malformed
#2 Updated by Akumetsu almost 11 years ago
Fixed it by completely removing quassel and reinstalling it. The error was somewhere in the quassel-storage.sqlite (600mb), because when I tried to place the file in the new install, the error re-appeared.