Bug #1180
Anti Alisasing
I am using Kubuntu. lsb_release -a shows:
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise
I have two monitors. One is a 37inch HDTV. The other a lcd monitor. I have finally gotten the anti-alias settings so the fonts aren't horribly ugly system wide. I have RGB sub-pixel rendering enabled with full Hinting style and nothing in the Exclude range.
I run the Quassel IRC client primarly on the lcd monitor. I would like the chat text to be slightly larger. If I Enable the Custom chat +w+indow font: I can change the text size. Doing so seems to cause Quassel to ignore the system wide anti aliasing settings. The result is the text looks horrid.
Is there a way to force anti aliasing when using a custom font? Maybe this is a feature request instead of a bug. However, as it isn't working as I hoped, I'm going for bug.
Best regards.
#1 Updated by dcbevins over 12 years ago
Forgot this:
Version: v0.8.0 (dist-5988f4c)
Protocol version: 10
Built: Mar 20 2012 23:03:20
#2 Updated by gry about 12 years ago
Run "qtconfig" in Terminal. If it's not installed, find it in your package manager and install it.
1) Does the qtconfig window ignore the system wide anti aliasing settings?
2) Does it have settings that you can adjust to resolve your issue?
Please reply with answers to both questions. Thanks.