Bug #1140
Incorrect encoding fallback: latin9 instead of latin1
U+00A6 is appearing as Š when being sent from clients using latin1 encoding, which is completely incorrect. This can be tested using the XChat default UTF-8/latin1 hybrid encoding, using mirc with UTF-8 encoding/decoding disabled, etc. Other clients handle the output from each other correctly, but Quassel handles the input from all of these clients as being latin9, despite the latin1 encoding.
If it is meant to be using latin1 which would make the most sense since that's how it's being sent, it should be displaying ¦ instead as seen here
The fact that it displays Š likely means it's using latin9, in which Š replaces ¦ as described here
Tossing a high priority on this as it directly affects the display of text, which seems rather important to an IRC client. ;)
#1 Updated by Anonymous about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
encodings are configurable already and default fallback is latin9.