Bug #112
Channeltooltip looks like garbage
If the topic is more than about 20 characters the whole thing gets wrapped (often multiple times) rendering the Tooltip to something like Toolgarbage
#1 Updated by phon about 17 years ago
I noticed the automatic linebreak of the topic. In the channels I was joined at that moment (e.g. #quassel.de) it didn't look that bad. Perhaps an extra linefeed, some other colors or a horizontal rule might help.
#2 Updated by EgS about 17 years ago
I attached 2 files that show the issue.
In general I think (open to discussion) that the tooltips should contain important/helpful data represented in a clean way. think: less is more. So: is the topic needed or helpful here? Maybe a short/elided version suffices?
#3 Updated by EgS about 17 years ago
looking at those screenshots: less than and greater than (>) should be escaped, as they are treated as tags and unknown tags are dropped.
#4 Updated by phon about 17 years ago
what about this:
i changed the order - topic is now last
i placed a small blank line as spacer between the topic and the rest - the horizontal rule had too much hight (even after setting <hr style="hight: 2px"/>)
-> see screenshots #gentoo & #qt-chat
#5 Updated by phon about 17 years ago
... any ideas/remarks concerning my screenshots?
as EgS said: less is more - so the topic could also be chopped or even not displayed at all. perhaps the user should descide for himeself (configuration -> general-options)
#6 Updated by phon about 17 years ago
context menu is now configurable - it can be chosen if the topic is shown in the context menu