Bug #103
Treat global messages correctly
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They seem to be correctly recognized as a Querytype but the sender is not set correctly. (i.e.: $*)
Additional information:
3.3.1 Private messages
Command: PRIVMSG
Parameters: <msgtarget> <text to be sent>
PRIVMSG is used to send private messages between users, as well as to
send messages to channels. <msgtarget> is usually the nickname of
the recipient of the message, or a channel name.
The <msgtarget> parameter may also be a host mask (#<mask>) or server
mask ($<mask>). In both cases the server will only send the PRIVMSG
to those who have a server or host matching the mask. The mask MUST
have at least 1 (one) "." in it and no wildcards following the last
".". This requirement exists to prevent people sending messages to
"#*" or "$*", which would broadcast to all users. Wildcards are the
'*' and '?' characters. This extension to the PRIVMSG command is
only available to operators.